Last coversations with Boost…


March 11

NEO: Hi Boost, I spoke with dodgestyle and he mentioned to me that you are the creator of Bobocash and Rarebobo cards its that correct?

6:33 AM ✓✓

BOOST: is true yes

6:58 AM

NEO: The reason why I am asking is because I love your work and I have created a groups on the bobo project, Doge style introduced me to RPT and we got talking I am the current largest holder of Bobocash and told me his story about pepecash. And what happened in the OG days. The reason I wanted to make contact is because as a by product of creating these groups and working with the community I have acquired the Green Banner for Rarebobo and would like to commemorate you and your work by making Rarebobo card1 series1 of Rarebobo.

7:14 AM ✓✓

BOOST: thats awesome and great to hear

10:15 AM</>

BOOST: i love the idea


NEO: That is awesome! I am so glad we have you onboard! I will open submissioms soon thank you so much

10:40 AM ✓

BOOST: site?

10:43 AM


10:48 AM ✓✓

NEO: Initially work alongside regan where he has mention he would be happy to host a page with rarebobos

10:52 AM ✓✓


11:06 AM

BOOST: so you accept bobocash for submissions?

11:06 AM

NEO: 1000000%

11:06 AM ✓✓

BOOST: nice

11:06 AM

NEO: We are going to make utility of bobocash and build an ecology use

11:08 AM ✓✓



NEO: Would you be happy to see this project on both dank and Rarebobo?

11:25 AM ✓✓

BOOST: you mean in terms of the green banner?

11:38 AM

BOOST: I think some separate would be fine

11:39 AM

BOOST: if people want to sub to danks the same asset thats fine probably but otherwise im not worried about it

11:40 AM

BOOST: I think having rarebobo as card 1 extends the narrative pretty explicity

11:40 AM

NEO: Ok cool bananas thats such a great idea it allows other artist to come onboard also. I am so glad we are both on the same page.

11:44 AM ✓✓

Series1 Card1 Rarebobo as agreed with Boost.

Bobocash to be used in utility creating an ecology as promised to Boost.

The significance of this piece was that it was edited by Boost for Crypto Ditz.

This was the last piece approved by Boost, created by LongBranchBear before Boost disappearance.